Saturday, October 13, 2012

8 Simple Practices and Tips for Daily Happiness



It is no one else’s job, it is yours. If you look to the outside world for it, you’ll always be reaching for happiness instead of being happy. 


Every night before you go to bed, write down at least three things you are thankful for. Going to sleep with gratitude on your mind will bring you a more positive approach when you wake to a new day.


Turn a blind eye to all things media. Un-follow the Negative Nellie’s from Twitter, un-friend (or hide) the Facebook friends that only complain, and turn off the evening news.


Don’t chime in when a co-worker complains. Don’t participate in gossip. Smile and walk away from negative social interactions.

Five: WORK IT, BABY.  

If you are unhappy at your job, you have two choices: stop complaining and find the good in it or leave it. If changing jobs isn’t an option, then it’s time to find some delight in what you do each day.


The right love relationship can make happiness a state of exhilaration. If you believe that you would be happy IF your partner changed, then you will be unable to discover any satisfaction. If you are not happy with who you are, then having a loving partner won’t fix it. If the state of your partnership is disintegrating, then you have a responsibility to yourself and the relationship to either change your attitude or your geography. 

Seven: NO DRAMA, MAMA.  

Allow those that you love – siblings, friends, family – to unburden themselves to you without attaching to their stuff. Remind them that you love them. Remind them that you want them to be happy. Turn the conversation to a happy memory, a funny anecdote, or an exciting upcoming event. Suggest to them a good therapist or coach – not as a judgment, but out of love.

Eight: SMILE :) !

 A lot. Smile at grocery clerks and people that you pass. Smiles are catchy.
When you accept that it is not only OK to be happy, but that you deserve to be happy, you will transform. No matter how many Negative Nellies there are in the world that tell you that life is full of misery and woe, you can face the world with the knowledge that it’s okay to be happy.
 You’ll find that the more abundance of joy you embrace, the more you will be able to shine your light of happiness to the world.  
When you do shine that sexy brilliant light of happiness, you’ll find that that energy will be returned to you in every day interactions. When you look in the mirror, you’ll discover  that the radiant woman in the glass is that sexy, confident, and happy you.

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