Saturday, October 13, 2012

11 Questions you’re NOT asking that could change your life

1. What is your dream job?

Being paid to be me! A sparkly secret agent of transformation and JOY, inspiring people to love themselves, do what they love, and live life their way.
Creating, facilitating, and hanging out in a delicious online community, connecting with like minded people, learning, growing, dreaming big dreams, supporting each other and living extraordinary lives of passion, purpose and play.
Yep, pretty much what I am already doing.
As a child, I wanted to be a published author *just like Enid Blyton*, and a mum. I still hope to do both and love that I have a 3rd dream that I am already living.

2. What fulfils you?

Connection. Meaningful conversations, silliness, off-key singing, bear hugs, dance parties for one (or two) in the kitchen, belly aches from laughing too much, road trips, drumming circles, cradling a sleeping baby, love, intimacy, unbridled joy.

3. What’s your greatest fear?

That I’ll somehow sabotage myself from ever *living up to my potential* and reach the end of my days wishing I had taken more risks, been less restricted and done a lot more stuff that had me saying OH WELL, instead of WHAT IF.

4. What do you want more of in life?

Experiences, aliveness, contentment.
More intimate moments with friends and family, creating memories, living in the now, spontaneous road trips, seeing new countries, experiencing more cultures, going to festivals, drumming parties, potlucks, anything that has to do with community, fun, sharing, and laughing.
Oh, and being a wife and mom :)

5. What is your greatest accomplishment?

Being alive. Reinventing myself over the last 10 years. Every year, I like myself more, become more ME and trust in the divine order of life, as well as my own power to create the life I want.

6. What are you most ashamed of?

Nothing – I spent too much of my life in shame. Now, I’m practicing being vulnerable and open as much as I can. I do stupid things, I make mistakes, I kick myself in the shins, then I grab myself up in a big hug, cry me a river, dry my tears, and carry on.

 7. What makes you sad?

Children being abused or abandoned, made to feel like they aren’t enough or that they don’t matter. Just writing this sentence brings tears to my eyes. It saddens, frustrates, breaks, and yet, gives me strength to do what I can for those I can.

8. What’s the hardest thing you’ve experienced?

Emotionally, heartbreaks and bouts of despair brought on by thinking I didn’t matter, my life didn’t matter, and nothing I ever did would matter. Climbing out of those thoughts and looking towards the sunshine is the hardest thing I’ve ever done – over and over again.
Physically, bootcamp! And climbing 17,353 ft at a mountaineering course.
Spiritually, seeing things go left after keeping the faith and still keeping on trusting in a bigger picture – over and over again. And I suspect, till the end of time.
As Martin Luther King, Jr, said:

9. What is great about you?

Where should I begin ;) !? I rock at seeing the best in life, making the most of every situation, and am a force to reckon with when in my element.
At my best, I am inspired, alive, energised, enthused, excited, inspiring, visionary, and can make myself AND you feel like we can do ANYTHING! I’m also great at making people feel adored, loved, and like they belong.
Persistence, adaptability, loyalty, fairness, sparkletude, and resilience are my biggest strengths. I don’t make decisions or commitments easily, but when I do, it is done.
And I am spontaneous, happy, and GOBS of fun! Road trip, anyone?

10. Who are you?

A bundle of contradictions.
An optimist, a pessimist, a dreamer, a realist, Pollyanna, a cynic, a believer, a pooh-pooher, supremely confident, self doubting, a healer, a lover, an encourager, a catalyst for self love and transformation.
Real. Flawed. Perfect. Imperfect.
Utterly human. Doing the best I can. Falling, flailing, jumping, thriving.
A girl who won’t stop loving and believin’ in her journey and knows that life always works out grand.
My real work here is to be true to myself, stay present, love wildly, live boldly, and be a good, kind person who shows people a mirror that reflects their AWESOMENESS & leaves them feeling amazing about themselves.
Reckon I can swing that..

What inspires you?

People who are ALIVE in every sense of the world!
Unconventional thinkers and doers, those who have woken up and are pushing past resistance to live extraordinary lives of adventure, meaning, purpose, passion, fun, joy!
Love, vulnerability, connection, inclusion. Oneness.
Music, dance, talent, persistence, dedication, selflessness, confidence.
Nature, sunrises, mountain tops, knowing that we are all stardust and we will all be stardust one day.
Thanks for asking these powerful questions, Jayson. 
Over to you ~ Please answer these questions for yourself and share what you discover.  Looking forward to hearing from you! ps: If you answer on your own blog, leave a link below!

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