Friday, November 9, 2012

7 Steps Of Problem Solving

1) Smile. The first thing you need to do is to smile. Seriously when you smile at a problem. Any problem will look easier to solve. Trust me on this.

2) Is it really a problem? Ask this question first before you attempt to solve it. Sometimes it may look like a problem, giving you stress like a problem but it really is not. An example is when you want to get a slimmer body. Before you rush to buy a diet pills, check your BMI first. You may end up knowing that you are actually at your most optimum weight.

3) Define your problem, then redefine it one more time. Most of the time the problem is not that you have an insomnia, it’s the sound of that drop of water in your bathroom.

4) Consider Do-Nothing approach. Some problem is better left unsolved. An example would be going to work when it’s raining heavily, (you have no car or a rain coat).. the best approach is just to do nothing and wait for the rain to stop.

5) Google. By google, I’m not saying we should search online. It can very well be offline. Human has been around for thousands of years. I truly believe any problem in the world at any moment has happened before and thus the solution is already there. We just need to know how to look for it.

6) Sleep on it. For those who might not be familiar, when we sleep, our subconscious mind will work on all our problems. And that is why, problems usually don’t feel that critical in the early morning as compared to last night. The idea is to present the problem in our head. Not to think the solution of the problem before you sleep. This will only cause you to have difficulty sleeping.

7) Solution equals bigger problem? So you have found a solution. Now think again, what will this solution affect. If the solution will pose another greater problem, isn’t it better to just live with the smaller problem instead?

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