
Hello! Welcome to My Favourite Blog.

My name is Rose. I love to share with people so I just make a blog that I can share with you about what I do, what I read, what I like, what inspire to me and what make me happy in my daily life. I'm a happy person. I always want to try something new, as long as it's not harmful or bad.

Happiness is the most important thing in life.Why happiness is so important in life?  Well, Happiness is fun and it feels good. However, there's more to it than that. Happiness drives better  health, success areas of life, and even how long we live. So, how can we be happy ? Its just simple do what you want, dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go, be what you want to be and put the first place in God. “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” 

As I grow I want to learn more and more. Learning lessons does not end and there is no part of life that does not contain its lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned.“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” 

Life is not easy, we face through many problems, some we face it and some we just can't find a way out of it. But we just need to remember that God is always there for us and we need to pray to him. No matter what you go through in life, no matter how many disappointments you suffer, don’t give up on yourself. Believe that the best is yet to come.

Lets enjoy every single day of our lives in funny, unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, amazing, crazy and stupid world.

It’s always a pleasure making new friends, and hopefully we can learn from each other.And if  
you enjoy in my post, please like, share, leave a comment and come back.
Thank You.
God Bless!!


  1. Hi I am new in blogging I just use 1 domian? if you use blogger.com. do we ned to buy a new domain or webhosting I dunno how to start. Btw. Nice Blog

  2. contact me @ clark famador fb pls
